Friday, July 10, 2009

Days of Jackflection

There's a place in your heart, and I know that...
Heal the World, make it a better place, for ...
I'm talking to the man in the mirror...

Lyrics of a man cursed by fame, redeemed by his death.

I must have thought I'd die before Michael Jackson, I didn't think any funeral would challenge the grief and significance of John Paul II's in my lifetime. He voiced the rhythm of civilization, he danced our souls out and sharpened music to be subtle but earsplitting, every thing about him was an incredible blast.

In the last days, boys like me, People of Mandela, must have been struck by the surge to escort Michael Jackson to his resting place and immersed in the deepest reflection, a jackflection. More than his music, he championed the fight against HIV/AIDS, he sang for freedom, for the earth in earth song, for people, for people of Mandela...he sang for humanity. Civilization would have endured massive boredom without the moonwalker, even in the bubble he lived...he sang into the hearts of a planet more than if he was a personal friend, he had a wireless affection, e-affection from an electrical performer, the King of Pop.

How much he loved children, he loved little things, tender in his heart, gentle in his voice, he wore tattered clothes to win privacy in public, a star too human he was and like the biblical one, he led us to musical satisfaction, the kind of star you wanna see every night, like those three lined up in a straight line in the sky above my childhood backyard. Michael had talent the height of the sky!

As we jackflect,we are reminded once more that talent is different, it is in music, in sports, in academics, in medicine, in warfare, in engineering and all human enterprise, but it is all in service of a people. Michael served us, he tickled our ears and our hearts spinned in excitement, that was service!

If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change!